The FSK is the „Self-Regulatory Body of the Film Industry“, to which the German movie theater industry has committed itself. The FSK conducts testing processes of all theatrical movies, resulting in ratings which determine for which age groups the films are suitable. These ratings are not recommendations, but rather mandatory clearances which theater operators, parents and children must adhere to.
Yet, it’s not only the FSK rating of a film that decides whether or not someone is allowed to attend a movie theater screening. The Protection of Young Persons Act also imposes restrictions, e.g., when it comes to the time at which children are allowed to attend a screening unaccompanied. More information on the FSK (Self-Regulatory Body of the Movie Industry) and the Protection of minors can be found on these pages.
For your convenience, we have prepared a form which you may use to this end. Please download the form
HERE, print it, fill it out, and sign it properly.
The guardian or another authorized adult must be able to present the document to our Cinema staff upon request during the visit with your child.
Here we inform you about the various ratings of the FSK and what they entail.

FSK 0 Rating: Suitable from age 0 (for all ages)
The FSK 0 rating means that the film in question is approved and suitable for all ages. However, please be advised that, both due to the surround sound levels in our auditorium and as a courtesy to other guests, children under 2 years of age will not be admitted to the theater.

FSK 6 Rating: Suitable from age 6
This film is approved for persons aged 6 years and older. Admission for children under the age of 6 years is not permitted, even when accompanied by a parent or guardian.

FSK 12 Rating: Suitable from age 12
This film is approved for all visitors aged 12 years and over. However, in accordance with the Parental Guidance clause of §11 sec. 2 of the Protection of Young Persons Act, children over the age of 6 are also permitted to see this film, if and only if accompanied by a parent or a guardian. Children under 6 years of age are not permitted into the theater, even if accompanied by an adult. If a child is visiting the theater in the company of an authorized adult, a written consent by its parent is required for presentation to the theater staff. Here you may download and print a form suitable as a proxy for such a case.

FSK 16 Rating: Suitable from age 16
This film is only approved for people aged 16 and over. Even when accompanied by a parent or guardian, admission is not permitted for any person younger than 16 years.

FSK 18 Rating: Not suitable for children under 18
The FSK 18 rating corresponds to the „no youth approval” labeling. Admission to this film is strictly prohibited for persons under 18 years of age, whether they are accompanied by a parent/guardian or not.

If a film has not received a rating yet, admission is only granted to persons 18 years or older.
The FSK 0 rating means that the film in question is approved and suitable for all ages. However, please be advised that, both due to the surround sound levels in our auditorium and as a courtesy to other guests, children under 2 years of age will not be admitted to the theater.
This film is approved for persons aged 6 years and older. Admission for children under the age of 6 years is not permitted, even when accompanied by a parent or guardian.
This film is approved for all visitors aged 12 years and over. However, in accordance with the Parental Guidance clause of §11 sec. 2 of the Protection of Young Persons Act, children over the age of 6 are also permitted to see this film, if and only if accompanied by a parent or a guardian. Children under 6 years of age are not permitted into the theater, even if accompanied by an adult.
If a child is visiting the theater in the company of an authorized adult, a written consent by its parent is required for presentation to the theater staff. Here you may download and print a form suitable as a proxy for such a case.
This film is only approved for people aged 16 and over. Even when accompanied by a parent or guardian, admission is not permitted for any person younger than 16 years.
The FSK 18 rating corresponds to the „no youth approval” labeling. Admission to this film is strictly prohibited for persons under 18 years of age, whether they are accompanied by a parent/guardian or not.
If a film has not received a rating yet, admission is only granted to persons 18 years or older.
In order to protect children and youth in public, the provisions of the Protection of the Young Persons Act take effect – among other things, this law bindingly determines the legally permitted length of stay of unaccompanied minors in a movie theater or other public venues. As per this law, children under 14 years of age are only permitted to be inside a theater until no later than 8 pm. The time limit for young persons under 16 years of age is 10 pm, and persons younger than 18 years are only permitted to stay at a public venue until midnight. Exceptions are only made when minors visiting the theater are accompanied by a parent or guardian. However, it is important to note that the specific age rating of a film must still be observed.
The PG regulation only applies to films with an FSK 12 rating. Only in the company of a parent, guardian, or other authorized person (with a written consent from a parent) may a child over the age of 6 attend the screening.
Yes. As of May 1, 2021, this regulation has been amended to enable admission of children accompanied by a person with parental authority. Parents may thus delegate the task of educating their child to any person of legal age, such as relatives or other trusted persons. This parental approval, however, needs to be verified in writing to be be presented to theater staff.
Yes, if the film’s FSK rating is approved for the minor’s age group. However, this applies only under the condition that the adult accompanying the minor has received the appropriate authority by a parent. Make sure to carry the written signed form or proxy by the parent with you when visiting the theater.
Yes. As theater operators, we are obliged to comply with the protection of minors and fulfill our supervisory and care responsibilities. Therefore, we have to check IDs to verify the age of our guests. The verification may take place at the box office, at the doors when entering the auditorium, or inside the auditorium.
Yes. The evaluation of the preshow programming is also carried out by the FSK.
The legal provision can be found in §11 of the Protection of Young Persons Act.
When it comes to a public event such as a visit to the movie theater, the responsibility is taken away from parents by the legislator through the legal framework of the protection of minors and the FSK. As a theater operator, we are legally obligated to comply with this requirement.
No. This is generally prohibited. Only one exception has been made with a PG regulation, and this applies exclusively to films with an FSK 12 rating, and even in this case, only for children 6 years and over.
Under these links, you’ll find more information about the FSK and protection of minors:
The official homepage of the FSK (Self-Regulatory Body for the legally regulated protection of minors)
The official homepage of the legal body for the „Protection of Minors“ (Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Seniors, and Youth)